A.I. = artificial intelligence – the Terminator
so at what stage are we officially? Answer: remember the Terminator? palantir.com / Peter Thiel is the real sky net! Elon Musk and Peter Thiel and 4 others […]
banking on BitCoin BTC
This is a pretty well made documentary on what BitCoin is, its history, current affairs and potential. Click the poster and open up more on IMDb.com You will learn what […]
EXIT the *corrupt* parasite “banking”
the “banking industry” is a hoax. Deep behind the scenes you’ll notice that euros and dollars are printed like there’s no tomorrow: someone lend money to companies and private persons […]
lilium – droid Made for Flying!
[ lilium.com ]
The disinformation and the DarkOnes try to censor and discredit the whistleblowers and the people bringing dark into light. The third world war WW3 is a hidden war – though […]