⚡️THE SPIRITUAL WAR INTENSIFIES ⚡️ This is why it happened… Posted by Bernhard Guenther on Thursday, 13 August 2020
is illuminati “real”?
in these times the only way to discredit disclosure is to control disclosure in any means and ways. thus, since 2006 when I got badly red pilled I realized it […]
3D theatre = ” hell “
Napoleon Hill wrote a book in the 1930s that was never published. The book is titled: Outwitting the Devil. The book is now Published. 3D theatre = ” hell […]
the Matrix consumes you..
I have been studying the dynamics of the Matrix for quite some time. How it is run, by how and how it creates the reality as we percieve it. It […]
A.I. = artificial intelligence – the Terminator
so at what stage are we officially? Answer: remember the Terminator? palantir.com / Peter Thiel is the real sky net! Elon Musk and Peter Thiel and 4 others […]
people that are inherently evil
when do we create *evil* people..? and how do we “fight” evil? The term ‘just war’ is an internal contradiction. War is inherently unjust, and the great challenge of our […]
nuke the paradise – and it’s your fault!
two sides of.. Our Reality and Potential our evolution of consciousness has been *dark* when will we finally say; “no! enough! no more *DarkSide* ( that’s all […]
Jesus and the Prison Break – EXIT the Matrix
in a primitive culture Moses had to write in stone; “you shall not kill“ I always thought that the ten commandments couldn’t be from God since why would the Creator […]
debunking religions
different churches and religions have effective MIND CONTROL on the people. They tune the frequencies – the essence of a unique individual on the physical plane according to what the […]
Santa’s demons are out..
There are the times of Judgement Day and the Armageddon of *self* we are now moving out of *selfishness* as in me with my protégés vs. the prey to °unity […]